Transformative InvestmentsAddressing Global Challenges
Corporate News and Filings
- Disclosures
- Corporate News and Material Events
Disclosure Regarding EKH’s Regulatory Framework - Forms 208 and 210
Disclosure Regarding the Receipt of Two Expressions of Interest to Acquire 100% of Delta Insurance's Shares
Disclosure Regarding Signing the "Market Maker" Agreement with the National Investments Company
Disclosure to EGX Regarding the Restructuring of the Ownership of the National Gas Company
Disclosure to the EGX Regarding the Restructuring of Ownership of the National Company for Electrical Technology "Kahraba"
Disclosure to the EGX Regarding the Transfer of Shares of Sprea Misr to Sprea Chemicals B.V.
Disclosure to EGX Regarding the Meeting Between the Chairman of the Board and His Excellency the Minister of Petroleum
Disclosure to EGX Regarding Resumption of Natural Gas Supply and Operations of AlexFert
Disclosure to EGX on Appointment of Chief Investment Officer
Disclosure to EGX Regarding the Shortage of Natural Gas Supply of AlexFert
Disclosure to EGX Regarding Resumption of Natural Gas Supply and Operations of AlexFert
Disclosure to EGX Regarding the Shortage of Natural Gas Supply
Disclosure to EGX Outlining BOD Resolutions
Disclosure Form Regarding Board of Directors and Shareholder Structure 31/3/2024
Disclosure to EGX on dividends distribution for FY2023
Form 210 concerning changes to EKH's corporate information
Disclosure to EGX Outlining BOD Resolutions
Disclosure to EGX Outlining BOD Resolutions
Form 208 and 210 on the company's organizational structure
Form 210 concerning changes to EKH's corporate information
Form 208 on the company's organizational structure
Disclosure to EGX on Appointment of Investor Relations Director
Disclosure to EGX on EKH's Investor Relations Contacts
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 31 December 2023
Disclosure to EGX Regarding EKH Signing Binding Agreement to Purchase a Share in BKH
Disclosure to EGX Outlining BOD Resolutions
Form 210 on the company's organizational structure
Disclosure to the EGX Regarding the Inauguration of New Factories and Production Line Expansions at Sprea
Disclosure to EGX regarding the Capital Markets Authority in Kuwait's purchase of treasury shares
EKH Notification to EGX Regarding Date of BOD Meeting
Disclosure Form Regarding Board of Directors and Shareholder Structure (Arabic Only)
Form 210 on the company's organizational structure
EKH EGX Notification of the Resignation of the Head of Investor Relations
Form 210 on the company's organizational structure
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 31 December 2022 (Arabic)
Form 210 on the company's organizational structure
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 30 September 2022 (Arabic)
Disclosure to EGX Outlining BOD Resolutions
Form 210 concerning changes to EKH's corporate information
Disclosure to EGX Regarding Dividends Distribution for FY2021 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 31 March 2022 (Arabic)
Form 210 concerning changes to EKH's corporate information
Form 210 concerning changes to EKH's corporate information
Disclosure to EGX on EKH's capital structure
Form 210 concerning changes to EKH's corporate information
Disclosure to EGX on Appointment of Investor Relations Director
Disclosure to EGX on EKH's Investor Relations Contacts
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 30 September 2021 (Arabic)
Form 210 concerning changes to the EKH's corporate information
Disclosure Regarding an Increase in EKH's Stake in Delta Insurance
Form 210 concerning changes to EKH's corporate information
Form 210 concerning changes to EKH's corporate information
Disclosure report on changes to board of directors and shareholding structure as of 31 March 2021
Form 210 concerning changes to the EKH's corporate information
Minutes of EGM on 28 December 2020
Minutes of EGM on 27 December 2020
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 31 December 2020 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 31 December 2019 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 30 September 2020 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 30 September 2019 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 30 June 2020 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 31 March 2020 (Arabic)
Disclosure to the Kuwait Stock Exchange regarding the purchase of treasury shares
Disclosure to EGX regarding updates at NSCO Investment Limited
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 30 June 2019 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 31 March 2019 (Arabic)
Disclosure to EGX regarding updates at NSCO Investment Limited
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 30 June 2018 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 31 March 2018 (Arabic)
EKH Disclosure on Q4 2017 Financials (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 31 December 2017 (Arabic)
EKH Disclosure on 3Q17 Financials (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining Changes to Company Profile
Disclosure Outlining Changes to Company Profile
EKH Disclosure on 3Q16 Financials (Arabic)
EKH Disclosure on 2Q16 Financials (Arabic)
Disclosure to EGX Ratifying EK Holdings' Financial Statements on 31-3-2016 (Arabic)
Disclosure to EGX Regarding Dividends Distribution for FY2015 (Arabic)
Disclosure to EGX Ratifying EK Holdings' Financial Statements on 31-12-2015 (Arabic)
Annual Report regarding the usage of the Capital Increase Proceeds (Arabic)
Disclosure to EGX Outlining Changes in the Board of Directors (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of Sept 30, 2015
EGX Listing Committee Accepts EKH Capital Increase Shares
Disclosure to EGX Ratifying EK Holdings' Financial Statements on 30-6-2015 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of June 30, 2015
Disclosure to EGX Ratifying EK Holdings' Financial Statements on 31-3-2015 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining EK Holding Organizational Structure
Disclosure Outlining EK Holding Organizational Structure
Disclosure Outlining Changes to Company Profile
Semi-Annual Report regarding the usage of the Capital Increase Proceeds (Arabic)
Disclosure to EGX Ratifying EK Holdings' Financial Statements on 31-12-2014 (Arabic)
Diclosure outlining MoU for projects between Egypt Kuwait Holding and three other companies
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of end of 2014
Disclosure to EGX Outlining Board of Directors and Shareholder Structure as of 13 Nov 2014 (Arabic)
EKH Disclosure on 3Q14 Financials (Arabic)
Disclosure to EGX on Extraordinary General Meeting Held on 14 July 2014
Disclosure to EGX on Resolutions of Extraordinary General Meeting Held on 14 July 2014
Disclosure to EGX outlining Board of Directors and Shareholder Structure as of 30 June 2014
Disclosure to EGX on Resolutions of EKH's Board of Directors Meeting Held on 30 June 2014
EKH Capital Increase Completion
Disclosure to EGX Ratifying EK Holdings' Financial Statements on 30-6-2014 (Arabic)
Disclosure on EKH's Board of Directors Composition and Shareholders Structure
Banking Details as it Pertains to the Capital Increase
EK Holding Capital Increase Announcement
letter to the EGX announcing EFSA's approval to announce the Capital Insrease
EFSA's approval to announce the Capital Insrease
Disclosure to EGX Outlining Board of Directors and Shareholders Structure as of 31 December 2013
Disclosure of EGM Minutes Held on 30 December 2013
Resolutions of the OGM Held on 30 December 2013
Disclosure to EGX Ratifying EK Holdings' Financial Statements
Disclosure to EGX Regarding EFSA Approval and Shareholder Structure (Arabic Only)
Disclosure to EGX Outlining Extraordinary General Meeting Protocols (Arabic Only)
Disclosure to EGX Regarding Shareholder and Board of Directors structure as of 30 June 2013 (Arabic Only)
Disclosure to EGX Regarding Nile Family and Nile General Companies (Arabic Only)
AGM Resolutions FY12 (Arabic Only)
Disclosure to EGX regarding exploration activities within North Sinai Concession (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 31 December 2018 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 30 September 2018 (Arabic)
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 30 September 2017 (Arabic)
Disclosure to EGX Regarding Investor Relations Contacts
Disclosure Outlining BOD Structure and Shareholder Structure as of 30 June 2017 (Arabic)
EKH Disclosure on Q4 2016 Financials (Arabic)
Corporate News and Material Events
EKH Earnings Press Release 4Q24
EKH Earnings Press Release 3Q24
EKH Earnings Press Release 2Q24
Disclosure to EGX on Appointment of Chief Investment Officer
EKH Earnings Press Release 1Q24
EKH Earnings Press Release FY23
Jon Rokk Appointed as Managing Director of EKH Holding
EKH Earnings Press Release 3Q23
Press Release Regarding the Inauguration of New Factories and Production Line Expansions at Sprea Misr
EKH Earnings Press Release 2Q23
Market Maker Agreement with Kuwait Financial Center “Markaz” in Boursa Kuwait
EKH General Assembly Approves 2022 Dividend Distribution
EKH Earnings Press Release 1Q23
EKH Disclosure to EGX Regarding Purchase of Shares in BKH
EKH Call for OGM and EGM Filling to Boursa Kuwait
EKH Call for OGM and EGM Filling to EGX
EKH Earnings Press Release FY22
Market Maker Agreement with Kuwait Investment Company In Boursa Kuwait
EKH Earnings Press Release 3Q22
EKH Earnings Press Release 2Q22
Corporate News and Filings
EKH enters into a joint venture agreement with Homann Holzwerkstoffe GmbH
EKH Earnings Press Release FY21
EKH Earnings Press Release 3Q21
EKH Announces the Completion of its Trading Currency Conversion from EGP to USD
EKH Earnings Press Release 2Q21
EKH Announces the Conversion of its Trading Currency from USD to EGP
EKH Trading Currency Conversion FAQ
EK Holding plans to invest USD 300 mn
Disclosure regarding NSCO Investments Limited (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding NSCO Investments Limited (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding NSCO Investments Limited (Arabic)
Egypt Kuwait Holding Expands to UAE with the Acquisition of Shield Gas Group
Egypt Kuwait Holding Subsidiary Offshore North Sinai Reveals Potential Natural Gas Reserves of 2,352 bcf
Egypt Kuwait Holding sponsors Africa 2018 Forum
Disclosure regarding the MDF project investment (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding the financing structure of MDF project (Arabic)
Disclosed regarding Kahraba's capacity expansion (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding construction works of MDF facility (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding NatEnergy capacity investments (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding Delta Insurance MTO (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding NSCO capital increase (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding the FRA's approval of Delta Insurance stake increase (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding price increase of household gas installation (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding Tri Ocean Energy (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding divestiture from Egypt Hydrocarbon Corporation (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding mandating the Chairman and CEO with selling the company's share in the I Squared Capital Fund (Arabic)
Disclosure regarding an initial offer to acquire a stake in the National Company for Maize Products (Arabic)
Sprea Launches New Line of SNF
EK Holding Receives Award for Volunteer Growth in Partnership with Injaz Egypt
Disclosure regarding initial plans for MDF facility (Arabic)
EKH Studies Investments in Major Development Projects
Experts Weigh-in on Banking Sector Investments in Development Projects
NatEnergy acquires a stake in NatGas (Arabic)
Signing of MoUs regarding investments (Arabic)
EKH Reports Strong Revenue Growth, Enhanced Gross Margin
Statement regarding the confusion between the company and the Egyptian Kuwaiti Company for Development and Investment (Arabic)
BMIC Sponsors Egyptian League Team in Assiut
BMIC Starts Kiln Operations with Unique Specifications
Delta Insurance's New 2012 Products and Services
Delta Insurance's 2012 Community Support Initiatives
BMIC Started Production in Egyptian Market
AlexFert Honored by the Federation of Egyptian Industries
Delta Insurance New Management
EKH Sponsors Egypt’s Teachers Recognition Initiative
EKH COO Participates in 2012 London Olympic Games
EKH Female Leaders Ranked by Forbes Middle East FY 2012
EKH General Assembly Elects New Chairman and Vice Chairman for its Board of Directors
EKH Earns Best Annual Report Distinction from World Finance
AUC Investment Competition
Nasser Al-Kharafi Passes Away in Cairo on 17 April 2011
AlexFert Community Work
Gas Chill and CFC Agreement
NATGAS Call Center Supports Shabakat in the Conversion of Customers